Our Father Our Head Master
"Nina bantwana nazalwa kumbe
Our Deputy Head Master
"Someone sadzard the bus"
Those words will always echo in
my mind till the day I die.
For those of you who did not
meet this man I am starting a
blog on him very soon so keep
logged on to own community.
The "J.Z MOYO Community Website" is designed to be a virtual meeting place for all students, former and present The goal of the J.Z MOYO On-line Community Website is to help re-unite old school friends and families together again. No matter what part of the world you are in right now, you can easily link up with your old friends once again.
I guess everyone has asked themselves more than enough times what could have happened to that cute girl or boy who you shared the same table with at the DH "emdangala", or just looking for best friend or classmate just to say "hello" Well now its the time, this is the place.
The "J.Z MOYO Community Website" is designed to be a virtual meeting place for all students, former and present The goal of the J.Z MOYO On-line Community Website is to help re-unite old school friends and families together again. No matter what part of the world you are in right now, you can easily link up with your old friends once again.
I guess everyone has asked themselves more than enough times what could have happened to that cute girl or boy who you shared the same table with at the DH "emdangala", or just looking for best friend or classmate just to say "hello" Well now its the time, this is the place.

Classroom joke!
Teacher: Why is your paper in blank?Student: Sometimes Silence is the best answer....
Authur: Liberty | Published date: 2022-03-20 08:13:25 | Replies | Last Reply by :
Robala ka kgotso Paulos Matjaka Nare
I am what I am because of him. My hero has left this world. Back in 93/4 we were sad when he told us that he was leaving (retiring). I remember his retirement speech - he was not happy with what Zanu-PF govt had done to the country back then (in the 90s). I believe at the time of his passing he migh...
Authur: Liberty | Published date: 2015-11-13 21:05:33 | Replies | Last Reply by :
JZ Moyo Reunion!
Authur: Liberty | Published date: 2015-02-21 09:04:58 | Replies | Last Reply by :